Friday, July 9, 2010

Chapter 1 Undo It

I’m starting over, I’m undoing all the stupid shit I’ve done so far like getting married at 19 to a fucktard like Mike Newton, I’m not even sure why I married his ass in the first place. I guess at some point I loved him a little..maybe.

After we were married I worked two jobs while we paid for him to go to law school, and I use the term “we” loosely.

Apparently one of the things they teach you in law school is how to fuck your secretary. Well, it was money well spent, because he aced that one…the piece of shit!

I filed for divorce after that, and moved out of our apartment and back home with my parents. Not something a 23 year old wants to do, but at the time I had no other choice. I quit my job at the gas station and lost my job at the factory.

Thanks to my cousin, Emmett, and hours of my begging him to give me a job, I was moving out of the loony bin and into my very own shitty apartment in Port Angeles, Washington.

I can handle shitty as long as it gets me away from my mother. She annoys the hell out of me. She just doesn’t understand why I couldn’t have made my marriage work and why I haven't given her any grandchildren yet.

I don’t know how my dad puts up with her. I think she is the main reason he works all of the time. He’s the chief of police in Forks and a man of few words, so we get along great.

My granny Swan also lives with my parents. My dad insisted that she move in after my grandpa passed away. Let me tell you, there is never a dull moment around her. She’s small and feisty and the shit that comes out of her mouth is priceless.

Now, the reason I didn’t look for a better place, besides the fact that I’m fucking broke, is because I have a partner in life. He’s short, fat, has wrinkles, snores and slobbers. His name is Vishous and I love him.

He was a divorce present to myself, a way of celebrating my freedom. I had a bulldog growing up until she got so old my dad had her put down. I’m not sure what it is about the breed, but if you’ve ever owned one, you know what I mean when I say you can’t live without one.

Mike hated dogs; truth be known, I think maybe he was scared of them.

It didn’t take long to unpack considering all I had was my clothes, books and the large bag of freaky looking food my mother sent with me.

I was pretty sure I wasn't going to be eating it, but I put it in the fridge anyway in case I got desperate.

My apartment was furnished, which was another selling point. There was a green couch, an orange chair and a small coffee table in the living room. A small kitchen table with two chairs and a double bed in the bedroom.

Well, at least when Vishous eats the furniture it won’t cost much to replace it.

There is no TV, which is fine. I’ll just save up and get one later. I read most of the time anyway.

After my shower I popped us a bag of popcorn, grabbed my latest vampire smut book and we headed off to bed.

Tomorrow is a new day for me. I’m putting my past behind me and starting the next chapter of my life.

A/N: I know this chapter was pretty short I just wanted to get all the background history out of the way.
My plan is to update at least every Friday maybe more if I get on a roll and I promise the next chapter will be longer.
Thanks for giving my story a shot...I hope you like it.



Anonymous said...

I'm in Krazi, she sounds fiesty and likey. LOL. Good job lady!

Isis Draven said...

She sounds like a firecracker. I like! I can't wait to see where you take her. (Btw did you name her bulldog after a BDB character? lol) Good Job!

anniem40 said...

I am also in, usually something doesn't grab me with the first chapter.

Anonymous said...

love it, can't wait for more, this bella looks like she is taking no more bullshit!! great work Nik!!

Krazichik said...

I actually own the bulldog and yes he was named after Vishous from the Love that series!!

Thanks for the reviews ladies;)

MsEm said...

I'm sold. LOVE IT, TWISIS!

MsEm said...

I just noticed you have 'Same shit different day' at the top.. LOL I usually say, 'Same shit, different toilet..'
<3 you hard

Angela said...

Great start, Krazi! Looking forward to reading more! Love ya

Hope said...

Fuck yeah.....Im so happy to Vishous' name on a blog. :O) Cant wait to read more. Put ya up on Throwing peanuts in the wank bank, and I added you to cracks corner and The Impasse.

PullmyHairRob said...

Im in Krazi!!